fredag den 21. oktober 2011


The Danish Newspaper "politiken" did The december 24 make a report on the film Burlesque they said:

Aguilera falls trough Next to Cher and they Gave the film 2 hearts !!! Are they Freaking insane it was and is still the best movie I ever had seen !!

If you'd agree to them so do not ever come back at this blog and if you dont your welcome!

2 heart i'd give it 5 hearts and a oscar !!

lørdag den 15. oktober 2011

Cher is a Comic Book star

Cher is a Comic Book Star

Cher has now got her own comic book.  Bluewater productions are bringing us a comic book about the life and times of Cher. That’s right, the Burlesque star is the latest in the company’s series, Female Force (which has featured J.K. Rowling, Oprah Winfrey and Sarah Palin). Come December, you can get your hands on your very own copy of the pop icon’s graphic novel

Cher Cheers Chaz up in the audience

After a knee injury and two weeks squarely at the bottom of the leaderboard, Chaz Bono finally upped his game on Monday night’s “Dancing with the Stars.”
In front of his superstar mother, Cher, the rest of his family and an audience of millions, the activist and author, dancing the paso doble with partner Lacey Schwimmer to the theme from “Rocky,” battled his way back into the competition.
“In the true spirit of ‘Rocky,’ no matter how many knocks you take, you keep coming back, you keep fighting and you keep getting stronger,” judge Bruno Tonioli said.
Chaz’s performance, which benefited from a little rehearsal coaching from none other than Richard Simmons, also touched Cher, who – along with the ballroom audience – gave her son a standing ovation, as tears welled up in her eyes.

søndag den 9. oktober 2011

Cher fan Video (with music)

some of you dont believe i self made it but i did made this video by my self so watch it or dont :D

søndag den 2. oktober 2011

ordinary day for cher fanfiction part 1

Hallo?? who is it. It,s Gaga. Cher when do you think the duet will be released. The producer said next Month so i think by that time. Okay! why ?? Because im in new york for a month and because maybe i should cancel the trip to New York next month. You'll better do because Noone gonna miss when we gonna release it okay. Okay i will cancel the trip bye. Bye (biib noise from the phone) 2 hours later.
hey cher !!! oh my god kathy what are you doing here you supposed to be in NewYork. Yes i know but Sarah Palin should make a event this week in New York and if i ran into her i'll probably say Hey bitch you probably know Levi Johnston !! but dont worry i'll only gonna destroy you carrier see yah!
Oh my god kathy why do you freaking hate Sarah Palin. see yah im really busy sorry !! bye.
                                           Home  Malibu CA. 13.00 PM.
who the hell is opening the door ? hallo !!! here is some flowers from Gene Simmons.
Thanks. Have a nice day ! you too. Brenda !! yeah What matters ?? set my schedule up please !! okay! im home at 21.00 PM. okay


OK This site got almost everything except from Pics, music and fanfiction SO I decide we need 2 get some fanfcition who not indcludes  SEX !!! no Cher Sex OKAY !!! and every time i got time 2 do it i will make a new story OkAY !! :D


lørdag den 1. oktober 2011

HALLO Lovelies !!!

okay if you'd look at the menu bar you can see how many visitors JEP and I'd hope it was cuz i said U should Share it to your friends !!! :D but we got very soon 1.000 visitors I KNOW !!! so please stay on the site and look at the advertisements !! you dnk when that day comes and you dont got a OBH blender and you need it so. please stay at the site i will come with cher news everything time i KNow something !! NEW