lørdag den 14. juli 2012

Cher's New Artistic Twitter profile Pic.

Yeah Today Cher Changed Her Profile Pic. On Twitter
to this

fredag den 13. juli 2012

Funny Cher Tweet's

July 5th

Some Random Person tweeted Cher this Tweet: Cher do i annoy you? lol x
and cher Answered: I dont know ? Do you ? If you Do Stop it ! RT @CherBitches: @cher Do i annoy you ? lol x

Cher Twitter Updates!

Yeah if you scroll down to the buttom of the site you will see some tweets in Right site
that used to be my Tweet's but i changed it to Cher's tweet's so know you cam read 'em ! :)

Kathy And Cher Share Some Fun

July 6th

Cher was joined by friend Kathy Griffin for a girlie few hours consisting of gossip, food and dressing-up!

 Cher revealed just hours ago that friend and comedienne Griffin was at her home when she jokingly tweeted, "OK I'm sitting here looking at Kathleen! We were going to have a sleepover but she just informed me that her dogs are more important than Me!"

 She further joked, "The b**ch is now demanding that I do her make-up and put wig on her! I can't catch my breath - laughing so hard!"
Afterwards Cher got so tired that you could see in her eyes

Sorry! :(

Sorry for not Post som more cher news! But i Just have been so busy ! but from now on i will take this blog more seriously and i will work until my hands  is bleating just to keep you updated on Cher!

XoXo Mila :)