fredag den 4. januar 2013


Cher just announced that she will randomly will pick 6 of her fans out to be the 
first to hear the whole album and take pictures with her! 
when she pick out fans is not announced yet so stay online!<3 

tirsdag den 1. januar 2013


Warner Bros has announced that Cher’s new album will be released late March 2013.  Fans would have expected an announcement by the diva herself but in typical fashion confirmation was made quietly by Livia Tortella, Warner Bros. Records Co-President/COO, on the red carpet at Billboard’s 2012 Women in Music event with no confirmation on Cher’s official website.  Cher’s album will be among other new album’s from  Josh Groban, Michael Buble, Goo Goo Dolls and Avenged Sevenfold.

With the promotion of Woman’s World now coming to a holt, fans are left waiting and confused with no word on when the lead single will be released for airplay on radio and purchase on iTunes.  There are now question marks over whether Woman’s World will become the first single after mixed reviews, the single has received only 395,000 YouTube views since it was first unveiled, with momentum fading.  Cher has described the album on twitter as ”Eclectic! Lots of dance, but none [are] SAME KIND OF DANCE ! Have Big ass Choruses,Some HEART RIPPERS!” and mentioned it has the ability to be BIGGER than Believe.  Hopefully with STRONG promotions and CLEAR communication this can happen because to date the promotional activity and hype has been rather limited.
In other twitter news CHER has unleashed another political motivated rant against the War in Afghanistan “SOME IN THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION & POLITICAL CRIMINALS IN AFGHANISTAN WILL HAVE MADE BILLIONS ON THE BODIES OF THESE SOLDIERS !”.  ”RANT,BUT I DON’T CARE ! BRAVE AMERICANS R DYYING IN A COUNTRY WHOSE “ SOLDIERS “KILL THEM ! ITS MORE THEN WE SHOULD TOLERATE !” It should be agreed that US and Coalition troops have made this world a safer place and should be congratulated for their efforts and bravery in what is a most complex and difficult situation.