søndag den 4. november 2012

Cher’s political campaign against Mitt Romney has continued with full force, this time with her friend Kathy Griffin by her side.  Cher and Kathy Griffin have released a campaign video accusing Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney of wanting to turn back time on women’s rights and supporting Richard Mourdock.  “Actually Mitt, we won’t be joining you,” said Cher, “because there’s a lot at stake at this election, especially for women and people who like women and respect them.”  Cher continues with “Honestly, this is sick stuff,” and then continued to attack Mourdock for his views on rape as well as Missouri senatorial candidate Todd Akin.
While  the majority of American’s are placing emphasis on who will be best to manage the economy, create jobs and protect and prosper the nation, Cher continues to concentrate on Romney’s stance on woman’s issues and the issue of visitation rights of rapists.   Cher is trying desperately to reach out to woman and persuade them to vote for Obama with a recent poll indicating that women’s enthusiasm for Obama as president has slipped this year, making his road to re-election more difficult.   As the election nears, Mr. Romney has been playing down social issues and trying to project a more moderate stance on matters such as abortion in an effort to court female voters. The AP-GfK poll, taken Friday through Tuesday, shows Mr. Romney pulling even with Mr. Obama among women at 47-47 after lagging by 16 points a month earlier.

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