søndag den 25. september 2011

sings on Cher fever and a cure on cher-fever !

1. you have seen the movie burlesque twice and other cher movies on youtube
2. you had search on youtube for every freaking cher song and show
3. every day you go into google images and find cher fotos and downloading them to your computer
4. you'd change your computer background to cher foto
5. you never stop'd looking at chers wikipedia
6. you make a twitter acount just to follow cher and know what she is doin
7. you drive your friends crazy with telling them about cher all the time
8. you always write cher on your arm or on a paper
9. you download cher songs on your phone
10. you search after cher news all the time
11. you buy'd cher stuff and posters
12. you write to her on twitter and hope she someday will RT (reetweet)
13. you constantly thinking on cher (oh now on the same step in cherfever)

if you,ve got these sings start call 911 and get some water in the face cuz thats a hot fever !!

how to curer cher fever.
1. stop hear her music in while and unfollow her twitter
2. take coldt shower because you might feel guilty
3. put your cher stuff in a box and put it into the basement or a closet in a while
4. delete your cher songs and sit down in the couch and scream into a pillow
5. stop watching letterman or other tv shows there reminds you about cher
6. go to bed an sleep every time there is letterman oprah dr. phil or kathy griffin
7. get busy at work because then you dont got time to watch her
8. start write poems about your emptyness cuz you might feel empty / or boring
9. start shop you need to be more fresh not like before the cher lover girl/boy after cool girl/dude
10. get an hobby !
12.  start crying everyttime somone metion cher
13.  start to be a drinking HORE !!!

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